Friday, August 13, 2010

Just because I can

So, this is my third post and to be honest, I'm finding it hard for things to write.

See the thing is, I'm not really that opionated. Well, that isn't exactly the truth. I'm what you call a fence sitter. Euthansia? Both For and Against. Abortion? Well, I can see both sides of the story. What makes me choose one side over the other, I'm not really sure. Maybe deep down, somewhere in the place where people call a soul I know what I find right and what I don't.

The reason why I'm blabbering on about this? Well, elections are in a week's time. Yay! Okay, not really yay. I have two people to vote for; a backstabbing female (and no, that isn't a sexist remark. Anyone who overthrows their leader in a time of crisis doesn't deserve my respect) and Tony Abbot (who, frankly, pisses me off)

Do I have an opinion on politics? Not really. It's the lesser of two evils. Maybe I'll vote for the Australia Sex party, just because I can.

Anyway, moving on, what else can I blab about?
Well, I'm going to some up my week.

Work: Minimal

School: Highlight of my week. The people I know are great (if you're reading this, don't get a big head) and my novel is coming along nicely.

Song That I've Got Stuck In My Head: Chelsea Daggers, by The Fratellis (quite an addictive little song)

Game I'm Playing: Transformers- War for Cybertron. Transforming and blowing up robots never gets old.

Books I'm Reading: None, this needs to be fixed quickly.

Anyway, that's my two cents for now. Who knows, I might actually have something to ponder about next week.....most likely not!


  1. it's hard to know what to post about on blogs. i just write about whatever's happening in my life really, or talk about my hobbies :) you don't have to write about the big issues in life - i'm also not opinionated. there are so many blogs out there and some are big and opinionated and others are small and introspective (like mine). a lot aren't personal at all and will just pick a topic like say cooking and give you a whole lot of recipes, that kind of thing. your blog is who you are really, so don't feel pressure to write anything so 'meaningful and profound' ;) your blog is fun to read, so keep it up! :) that said, i should blog again soon...

    i don't know who to vote for either...hmmm...

  2. theres actually a really good side you can vote for George, so dont be too sad. The old, gay, tree hugging man is my favourite of all the candidates.


    enough of that. keep blogging, you'll find your voice!
